Learn The 3 Best Places To Invest Money To SAVE Money If You're Just Starting Your Business
Feb 20, 2020When we’re starting a new business we have more questions than answers. We’re overwhelmed.
We don’t want to spend any money unless we’re sure something’s going to work.
So, we put on our DIY tool belt. We suddenly become super-women who believe we can do it all.
The truth is your best way forward - to a successful business - is to invest wisely in the beginning so you can start up quickly, effectively and start making money sooner rather than later.
05:11 Do you like to DIY your business?
09:52 Here's what happens when we DIY our own business
09:52 A lot of stuff gets done halfway or half-assed
13:16 There is the risk of looking amateurish
14:13 Wasting time learning skills you don’t want (or need)
15:02 You're focused on the Wrong thing
16:32 You're not focused on Service Creation/Selling
17:45 3 best places to invest in our business when we're just starting out
19:19 Tech support
21:06 Learning
22:54 Coaching and Strategy help
33:35 What if you have No Money to Invest in your Business?
What questions can I answer? I know this is such a sensitive topic.
Let me know HERE.