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When You Don't Have Support For Your Business From Your Loved Ones

Mar 20, 2019

No doubt. This is a tough topic to discuss. What happens when you don't have the support of your husband or partner in your entrepreneurial journey.

I can talk about this from first hand experience. Although I lost my beloved hubby of 29 years in 2018 (still miss him so much it hurts) we had a GREAT DIVIDE. 

Once I was laid off I decided to become an entrepreneur. He was old school. "Get a real job with a steady paycheck," he would always say.

But, my heart wasn't in it, not getting another real job that is.

Watch the video. I offer support, motivation AND some ways to get the support you need to start your amazing business... even if that support isn't coming from the home front.

Watch the full video, or jump to a topic that grabs you.

00:56  Friends That Do Not Support You vs. Your Partner That Doesn’t Support You

03:47  You Are Entitled To Pursue Your Own Dreams

05:43  When People Don't Support Us: I Think A Lot of Times It's A Reflection of Their Own Insecurity

06:40  What You Can Do When You Lack Support For Your Business

07:30  Talk About Your Business Like It’s A REAL Business

09:12  Distinction Between A Hobby And A Business

12:44  Claim It. Own It.

14:24  Where To Find the Support You Need.

23:47  Sky’s The Limit

25:29  We Need Motivation


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