How To NOT Look Like A Total Newbie When Just Starting Your Business
Aug 01, 2019There’s no shame in being a beginner. We’ve all been there. In fact, there’s a lot of freedom in being able to say, “I’m new around here. Can you help me?”
I also understand that when we're starting a business, we want to come across as an expert in what we’re doing - we don’t want to appear to be fumbling.
So, the trick to doing this is keeping your ‘learning curves’ behind the scenes and keeping your expertise front and center.
You need a plan.
Watch the video to get all of the details for having a plan that will let you look like a TOTAL PRO to your customers even when you’re scratching your head behind closed doors.
Here’s a sneak peek:
- Be 100% clear on WHAT your business does. Avoid ‘business switching’ and avoid the cart before the horse (aka getting a logo before you’re 100% clear on #1 and #2 is a prime example).
- Be 100% clear on WHO your business serves. Deliver the RIGHT product or service.
- Plan your precise steps. Follow your steps. Be consistent with these steps. What skills do you need to learn first? What ‘assets’ do you need first (a FB Page, a landing page, other?)
There’s no avoiding being a beginner in a new business. There shouldn’t be an expectation that you won’t be. The key to looking totally PRO is building a solid plan, working it, getting help when and where you need and to keep moving forward.
00:16:31 Pro Tip on How NOT to look like a Newbie when starting a business
00:20:05 What happens if you jump in too soon?
00:21:11 How do you make a PLAN?
00:23:58 Get to ONE idea.
00:33:50 Understand who your ideal customer is.
00:37:29 Get into the nitty gritty or the LOGISTICS.