How To Create Consistent Actions In Your Business To Keep It Going Forward
May 15, 2019One of the most frequent questions I get is how can I get to a place where I work on my business consistently so I can get it started, make money and grow it.
It’s a great question, one we ALL have probably asked at some point. And, I believe the answer involves a few different elements:
- Mindset
- Prioritization
- Commitment
- Working through the ‘hard stuff’
Watch the video (you can jump to a specific part below using the timestamps) and learn how to tackle each of the 4 elements so you can get consistent in YOUR business.
00:03:39 How can we make consistency happen?
00:05:37 Did you have a structured life before and now it's not? It can be challenging to reinstate structure.
00:09:47 Getting consistent and mindset go hand in hand.
00:12:36 Set the negative mindsets or ways of thinking aside.
00:13:39 Mel Robbins (mindset). Check her out!
00:16:08 Priorities
00:19:03 ‘Creating busy work’ as a distraction
00:20:38 The ‘Too many ideas’ excuse
00:22:21 The most important thing to work on when starting a business.
00:24:01 Not everything in your business is going to be fun.
00:25:35 If you want to this. You gotta do that.
00:27:55 Commitment
00:30:39 Create a schedule for yourself and make it non negotiable.
00:34:33 How to take some time off when you’re an entrepreneur.
00:36:18 Batching content.
00:37:11 Create alarms for yourself.
00:43:25 Keep a LIST of things that you have to do and need to learn, capture them somewhere so you can focus on what you're doing now.
00:45:46 Give yourself more TIME in the BEGINNING to learn something.
00:48:22 Ask for HELP.
00:51:15 First line of defense when we're working on hard stuff...
00:52:59 Do it when it comes and only when you need it (JUST IN TIME LEARNING)
00:57:18 Concerned about success and having energy for it?
00:59:04 Struggling with Facebook page.
01:00:04 Struggling with making yourself do the things you don't want to do.